Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver

出生於台北 台灣。北一女中,東海大學社會系畢業之後,從事銀行金融管理。1994 定居加拿大, 目前任職加拿大皇家銀行财富管理副總裁。工作之餘全心投入繪畫及融合中西藝術創作。師承盧月鉛,于婉君,李光啟,金一如等教授,研習中西畫及篆刻,書法。現任加西台灣藝術家協會副會长及理事,温哥華華人藝術家協會永久會員。2010 温哥華蘭花協會 西畫组第一名。個展 3 次,多次參與 華人藝術家協會會員年展;亞裔傳統月-音樂舞蹈及畫藝展;台灣文化節-加西台灣藝術家聯展;温哥華 -美麗台湾展示會聯展,加西台灣藝術家境外聯展,北一女建校110週年温哥華校友藝文影音聯展等。作品分別於温哥華台加文化中心,中華文化中心,弘藝社區,卑詩大學亞洲中心,列治文菲沙教堂,中信中心 及 台北市社教館展出。

Ivy is originally from Taiwan where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at the Tung Hai University. After moving to Canada with family in 1994, she continued devoting herself in International Banking and Artist career. Ivy inherited her artist talent from family. She won the honorable first prize of water color painting from Vancouver Orchid Society in 2010. She had three times personal exhibition in Vancouver and participated in many joint exhibitions in Canada and offshore. At present, Ivy is the Vice President and on the board of director for Canadian Western Taiwanese Artist Association.