Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver

King 。tze Li 傾, 李子。 香港出生
李先生接受藝術教育及訓練於多倫多。 畢業於多倫多約克大學,York university、視覺藝術系 : 主修概念藝術 、行為藝術 、油畫、 雕塑、 繪畫等 。BFA (HONS )視覺藝術榮譽學士學位 。
畢業後 ,曾遊學於北京、 歐洲、 台灣 、美國 …各地 。
在港期間 ,數年時間教授在職之美術老師 。而且, 一直於平面 、立體,及電影 ,方面從事藝術創作。
又於不同之成人進修學院等,教授藝術課程, 學生數以萬計。
他之藝術追求真善美好普世價值: 簡樸之真, 無私之善, 原始之美 ,奉獻之好 。
藝術創作旁及 :
例如:A詩詞文字創作 B 中英文書法藝術 C折紙紙雕鑄紙藝術. D 中國内家拳武術硏習. E 藝術與親子關係應用. F藝術治療心理情緒病. G漢字圖畫文化載體. H電影劇本連環圖電腦畫 I 人像誇張風趣畫 ……都極具心得。 著書數十本。 及經常受邀請到各處圖書館, 美術館, 學校…..等地即場表演及示範等。
他有時以為 , 於當今的網路時代, 反智時代, 即食麵時代 ,…….. 所以 ,藝術美術多有炒作吹噓 ,不外乎名疆利鎖 。而且 ,末世心態形成多方妖孽 。所以, 中華古文化之儒釋道, 自然對於當今世界文明有啟發及貢獻 之價值 。

Mr. Tze Li, King, World famous artist, Visual Arts,
Mr. Li has his professional art training from Canadian York University, Toronto: BFA Honors Degrees Visual Arts Department. Major in conceptual arts painting and sculpture. Being an active sculpture and painter for more than 30 years, Mr. Lee is best known for his fearless drawing and intense painting. Mr. Li has numerous solo exhibitions in Hong Kong, china, and Taiwan. While Mr. Li was in HK, he was the lecturer for art teachers for around 8 years; Mr. Li has been an instructor for art institutes for adult students, he taught at least 10,000 students during those years. He was also teaching contemporary water and ink painting in many different schools, libraries, and art centres. He also famous for his thousands of original works in his sculptures. Mr. Li has published around 30 books. He has served on the art council for award jury for visual arts in Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan.

Mr. Tze Li’s experiences in Jury:
While Mr. Li was at York University, Toronto, he was always helping his professors in interviewing new student applicants. York university professor Bruce Parsons represented the Canadian government to select and help some visual artists from China to come to immigrate to Canada in 1982.

Professor Bruce Parsons hired Mr. Li as his only assistant, and interpreter, they travelled to 5 big cities in a month to select and help some visual artists to come to Canada. Around 10 visual artists came from China after Professor Parsons’ trip.

Mr. Li has a big network and close contact with many visual artists and sponsors. Mr. Li is respectful as he; many times have received invitations to demonstrate visual arts in Vancouver, local TV, newspapers, and magazines. Sometimes, he demonstrated and performed in the Richmond Public Library as well. While Mr. Li was in Seattle, he was invited to be a jury in those art fairs and visual art festivals. After graduation from York University, Mr. Li travelled to many countries: Europe, USA, China. He has many experiences as a jury in visual arts contests.