杜濤,號曉白,別署沽上曉白,出生於中國-天津。幼承家學,六歲習字,一九八零年考入天津市少年宮,師從竇振文先生修習中國書法,一九八二年拜津門書法家耿仲敭先生為師,傳承清末華士奎館閣體書風。楷書於顏真卿諸碑帖沁染最深,兼擅篆、隸及行草,草書遵法二王,受明末王鐸等諸家影響頗多。篆刻受兄長薰陶,又蒙徐嘏齡老先生指點,循有精進。少喜繪畫,頗具天賦,常作寫意及文人山水以娛筆墨。在書畫上,承蒙王學仲、孫琪峰、龔望、餘明善等名家的指點、授教,作品在全國及省市比賽中多次獲獎,並饋贈國際友人。一九八一年全國首屆少年兒童書法大字比賽二等獎;一九八六年天津市書童杯書法比賽一等獎; 二零壹零年書法作品獲得溫哥華藝術家協會年展榮譽獎,二零一二年書法作品入選溫哥華藝術家協會聯展。現為天津市華僑書畫院理事,溫哥華華人藝術家協會會員。
Tony Du, Xiaobai and Gushang Xiaobai as pseudonyms, was born in Tianjin China. Followed his family’s Chinese traditional culture background, Tony studied chinese calligraphy early at six years old. In 1980, he was taught chinese calligraphy by Mr. Dou, Zhenwen at Tianjin Youth Palace. All of his calligraphy, ink & wash painting, and seal engraving were taught and directed by lots of famous Chinese artist, such as Mr. Geng, Zhongyang who was his master since 1982, and Xuezhong Wang, Qifeng Sun, Wang Gong, Mingshan Yu, Guling Xu etc. Regular and cursive scripts were his specialities. Tony’s calligraphy gained numerous awards in China, and collected by international friends as a precious art gift. Won second prize of the first national children’s characters in calligraphy competition in 1981; won first prize of Tianjin Shutong Cup calligraphy contest in 1986; won calligraphy Honor Award of 2010 Vancouver Artists Association Annual Exhibition; calligraphy works were selected by Vancouver Artists Association Group Exhibition in 2012. Currently Mr. Du is the director of Tianjin Overseas Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Institute, and is Permanent member of Vancouver Chinese Artists Association.