林純淳生於台灣臺北,先父從事建築及貿易等事業,少女時代即深受父親薰陶,由建築物欣賞入門,開始瀏覽世間美好萬物及風景。數年前因病約半年多無法提筆寫字,恰逢友人邀約雅覽畫室,漸由繪畫創作練手力,因緣之故,始沉積多年的繪畫靈感,如泉源般的湧現。2001年9月開始繪畫藝術創作,2002年4月於臺北市錦繡藝術中心開第一次個展。目前旅居溫哥華,2010年畢業於Emily Carr University of Art +Design。
Chun-Chun Liao was born in Taipei, Taiwan. Her late father was in the building and trade businesses, and has had great influences on her since her childhood. Through her father, Chun Chun started learning to appreciate the beauty of architecture. Gradually, she also grew very fond of the beauty of the nature and her surroundings. Several years ago, Chun Chun fell ill, and her hands were so weak that for six months she was not even able to write. By chance, Chun Chun was invited to visit a painting studio. She was suggested to rehabilitate her hands by learning painting. Since then, inspiration came pouring in from her life experiences. Chun Chun started her painting practice in September, 2001. In April, 2002, she held her first solo exhibition in Jin Xiu Art Centre, Taipei, Taiwan. Now Chun Chun lives in Vancouver. She is attending Emily Carr University of Art + Design, and she will graduate with a BFA in Visual Arts in 2010.