翁登科 1960年出生於台灣台北市。台灣復興商工美術工藝科畢業.父母早逝.家庭貧困,從小在育幼院長大,曾在垃圾堆中工作賺取學費,求學過程因工讀接觸許多不同的藝術領域,也曾在街頭畫畫賣藝。二十歲患腦膜炎.打死亡邊緣走過,但因之失去了部分聽力。由於刻苦的人生經驗及各角度不斷的磨練與學習,為本身藝術涵養立下深厚的根基,曾出版翁登科畫集.自傳書與油畫月曆,作品在台灣多次參賽均獲第一名,1993年榮獲美國基督教湯清文藝獎.宗教藝術繪畫獎。加拿大伯樂獎.美育指導成就獎. 2013年獲加拿大AIRS國際繪畫代表性第四年度國際大賽獲得最高首獎.等殊榮.作品在國內外畫廊、美術館、博物館展出計六十餘次,廣受好評與各界收藏。1995年以傑出藝術家身分移民加拿大,現定居卑斯省本拿比市.為加拿大聯邦藝術家協會AFCA高等會員,加拿大卑斯省本拿比藝術家協會會員, 加西台灣藝術家協會創會會員,加拿大華人藝術家協會終生會員.並成立翁登科藝術工作室,以創作、教畫維生。
Teng Ko Weng – Born 1960 in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from Fu Xing Commerce and Art Technical College. Teng Ko’s parents passed away when he was very young. Hence, he lived a life of poverty, being raised in an orphanage, working in city dumps for his tuition fees. While a college student, he was able to work part time in various artistic fields, as well as being a street artist. At age 20 he had meningitis and almost died of it. As a result he lost partial hearing. Such hard life experiences and different areas of training and learning moulded him with solid foundation in his future artistic endeavour. He published his own painting collection, an autobiography, and oil painting calendar. His works had won multiple awards and first places in Taiwan. In 1993, he won the United States Christian Arts Price, Religious Arts Competition Price, and Canadian Pollock Price.
In 2013, he was awarded the Canadian AIRS International painting fourth year competition highest award and other prices.
His paintings were featured in over 60 exhibitions in both Canada and overseas in art galleries, art museums, and other venues, receiving rave reviews and won over many collectors.
In 1995, he immigrated to Canada under the outstanding artistic personality category. He settled in the city of Burnaby, British Columbia province. He is a senior member of the Associate Federation of Canadian Artists (AFCA). He is also a founding member of the Western Canadian Taiwanese Artist Association. He is a life member of the Canadian Chinese Artist Association. In Burnaby, he established his own art studio for teaching and painting.