回臺灣以後,複先後受胡克敏、陳丹誠及歐豪年教導,發展出自己的風格。她作畫的素材,常以花卉、蟲鳥、蔬果及竹石為主。寫意與寫實並重,並展示書畫同源的功力,為畫壇所樂道。於1987年創辦玉衡畫會。1993年移居加拿大,活躍於溫哥華藝壇,為列治文華人書畫會及溫哥華華人藝術家協會會員,以及 Active Member,Federation of Canadian Artists,並在加拿大及海外多次舉辦個展及聯展,其作品在海內外各地均有收藏同時亦繼續教畫,門下頗多出色弟子。1993年獲選登入 World Who’s Who of Women(12th Edition)及 Artists in Taiwan。
Sheila Chao
Born in 1941 in China. Graduated from Christ’s College, Taipei, in 1966, and Arts Division, Extra-Mural Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1976. Studied under grand masters Ting Yen-Yung ( 丁衍庸 ), Hu Ke-Ming ( 胡克敏), and Chen den-Cheng( 陳丹誠) for many years, and created own style since late 1980’s.
Active Member of Federation of Canadian Artists ; Member of Vancouver’s Chinese Canadian Artists’ Federation & Richmond Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Club.
Vested in free-style Chinese painting majored in flowers, insects, as well as birds, fruits, vegetables, and bamboos. She has hosted more than 50 solo and joint exhibitions in the past 30 years, and her works were collected in Taiwan, Canada, and many other places. Currently, she has promoted Chinese painting through active participation in many art associations.
Publications & Awards : Paintings of Sheila Chao ( 1993 ), Cuisine and Life Style ( 1993) Profiled in World’s Who’s Who of Women ( 12 th Edition, 1993 ), and Artists of Taiwan (1994 )